Post Comparison

Basic Summary

The Basic Summary Vignette contains the Title of the Product, Company Name, Distance from project and a brief description.

Premium Summary

In addition to the Basic Information, the Premium Summary Vignette will include an image of your product, increasing visibility. Additionally, there will be indicators of any support documentation associated with this product.

Basic Listings

The Basic Listing details includes the name of the product, manufacture, address, webpage link, email, phone number and a brief description. Limited to 800 characters

Premium Listings

Premium listings gives you the tools to sell your product much more efficiently to anyone inquiring. In addition to to the items found with a Basic Listing, there is an extended description without a character limit, so feel free to explain anything you like. There is also the ability to upload a number of support documents for products, including BIM and 3d Models, CAD drawings, specifications, catalogs or other literature. Premium Listing also allows the upload and display of additional images to help present your product.

See Local Projects

We want to promote projects built using materials, products and services found in their neighborhood, so we offer the members who use LocalSource the option to list their project to product manufactures within a 100 miles. This allows vendors to contact architect, contractors and builders and introduce them to what is being made locally, and allows architect, contractors and builders to learn about products they may otherwise not know about. We see it as a win-win situation.